Vehicles and trucks have fuel pumps that deliver petrol directly into the engine from the fuel tank. Without a functioning car fuel pump, your automobile will not run. Your automobile won’t move if the fuel pump gets damaged and stops operating. In this sense, your car fuel pump may be likened to the heart of your engine.

Though some vehicles have inline or mechanical fuel transfer pumps, most automobiles today have electric fuel transfer pumps connected to their gas tanks. Problems with the fuel pump can result in serious performance issues and expensive auto repairs because its function is to ‘feed’ the engine with fuel. Most people’s car fuel pumps won’t require replacement. However, it’s also possible for fuel pumps to fail.

Signs of a failed fuel pump

Since your vehicle won’t run without a working fuel pump (and fuel pump replacement costs tend to be high), it’s crucial to know the following signs of a failing fuel pump.

These symptoms of a failed fuel pump will be present if the component is broken or damaged. Bring your vehicle to your auto mechanic if any signs of a failed fuel pump appear or if you believe your fuel pump may need replacing:

  • Car hiccups
    If you press the accelerator and your car seems jerky, the fuel pump may be malfunctioning.

    Your car's fuel pump can be choked by subpar or low-quality fuel or might not produce enough pressure to force the petrol into the fuel system.
  • Misfiring
    When there isn’t enough fuel, the combustion chamber won’t produce adequate ‘excitement’ to result in an explosion. Your engine won’t start if there is no combustion. If your automobile misfires or makes a tractor-like noise when idle, the fuel pump may be causing low fuel pressure and needs to be checked.
  • Noise in the fuel tank
    If your fuel pump is damaged, you can hear a loud, whining noise from your gas tank. If you run out of petrol or the fuel in your tank is polluted, the pump could also produce the same noise. Your pump typically has a quiet hum, so a loud moaning signifies something is wrong.
  • Engine sputtering at high speeds
    A sputtering engine is one of the most typical signs of a failed fuel pump. Don’t try to ignore it (even if it is only momentary) because it indicates your car engine is malfunctioning. So, even if the engine goes back to normal after sputtering, there's a reason to get your fuel pump checked.

    Your fuel pump may be unable to keep a regular or pressurised flow of petrol to the engine. The accumulation of dirt or dust in the pipe or other damage is one of the most frequent causes.
  • Low fuel pressure
    Another one of the common symptoms of a failed fuel pump is a decrease in fuel pressure. Decreased fuel pressure can cause engine stalls, choppy idle, bumpy rides, low acceleration and misfires. You can have a fuel pump failure if your check engine light is on and your car has been stalling out.
  • Inability to accelerate at times
    A failed fuel pump motor may cause uneven resistance, causing your car to accelerate and decelerate inefficiently. When you notice your car isn’t speeding up while driving, it may be a sign that your fuel pump isn’t giving your engine the fuel it needs to run sufficiently.
  • Engine shutdown or failed start
    The fuel pump must function properly for the engine to receive the fuel it needs to run. If your engine doesn’t start or shuts down unexpectedly while driving, there may be a fuel pump issue. If this occurs regularly, it may be time to visit your mechanic.
  • Power loss under stress
    Your fuel pump may be to blame if you notice that your car starts to lose power when you drive up steep inclines or hills or when it’s loaded with cargo. The engine needs more fuel to function under these stressful conditions, just like when you’re driving at higher speeds. If the pump malfunctions or fails, you will lose power.
  • Reduction in mileage
    Have you recently noticed a decrease in your car mileage? No, this is not a result of traffic bottlenecks or your constant braking. There’s a chance that the fuel pump in your automobile is malfunctioning, as it can also reduce your mileage. If you have reason to believe your fuel pump is faulty, get it checked right away.

Can a fuel pump fail suddenly?

Now that you know the common signs of a failing fuel pump, the foremost question in your mind may be: can a fuel pump fail suddenly and catch you off-guard even with all this information?

The short answer here is yes.

Fuel pump failures frequently occur abruptly and without warning, with few indications to alert the driver that trouble is brewing. Also, the likelihood of a fuel pump failure increases with more vehicle mileage.

But if you catch any of the above signs early on, you may yet save your fuel pump, prevent your car from getting damaged and avoid high fuel pump replacement costs.

Quality parts and accessories at Car Mods Australia

Your fuel pump is the lifeblood of your engine. Therefore, watch out for the signs of a failing fuel pump to ensure it is in optimum working condition.

Visit or contact Car Mods Australia for all the high-quality automotive parts and accessories you need. We stock over 250,000 products from over 200 world-recognised brands. Explore our range of engine parts, including fuel system products from Process West, fuel pumps, high-pressure fuel pumps, low-pressure fuel pumps, fuel injectors, fuel pump removal tools, and more.